More information can also be found in our how to identify unknown file formats article. flt file QGIS: Layer > Add Layer > Add Raster Layer. flt file ArcMap: In ArcToolbox, go to Conversion Tools > To Raster > Float to Raster ArcGIS Pro: In the Map ribbon, select Add Data. If the file is common bitmap file, you will open it regardless of its file extension and play it. How to Open Global Mapper: File > Open Data File (s). action, that is available in most programs and select All files (*.*) option in the browse menu, that will show even files that are not supported the application by default. Otherwise an error will occur and tell you that the image viewer is not able to open the file. If the file is really raster format you will be able to view it. If you want to open a bitmap file with file extension that is not recognized by your image viewer by default you can try the following and open the file. You can also click on each software to open its own web entry on our website, that often contains additional useful information about it, such as developer, website, reviews or other useful articles. Simply check our database for the bitmap file extension you are looking for and in the table below its description you will see a table with software, sorted by platform and actions, that is able to perform a specific action with the raster files, such as open, edit, print etc. At the bottom of each file extension site on our website, there is a table with associated software and actions it can perform.

Some special bitmap formats can only be opened in a special viewer or editor, but the common formats are supported by all of them. Bitmaps and raster images can be usually opened and played in any image viewer or graphic editor.